Participants in OER13 will be taking an active role in exploring and exposing the OER ecosystem, thinking about, discussing and sharing what will influence policy and practice (institutionally, nationally and internationally), with a focus on the main conference themes. Through drawing on evidence and experience and taking a critical view of our expectations we will examine what works and will inform our beliefs about where this will lead.

The conference committee is committed to making the conference affordable and enjoyable for those who attend and sharing its outcomes openly. All formal sessions and keynotes will be recorded.

Paper/presentation sessions will be 30 minutes in length. The conference also invites posters (which can be physical and/or online in format). See further information about session submission process and requirements here.

All papers and posters should be submitted using the online submission form.

The call has now closed. The programme will be released shortly.

Support Centre for Open Resources in Education (SCORE)
The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA

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